
Dark deception chapter 4 gif
Dark deception chapter 4 gif

Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: His parents were as kind and tactful with him as he was to Clarisse and Tammy, though (unlike Bierce) he's well aware it's not a justification for his crimes.Though, as Malak proves at the end of Mascot Mayhem, he is still a mortal, and isn’t invincible to getting the # beat out of him by the Joy Joy Gang. Then Bierce allows him to gain powers through the Ring Altar in the Ballroom. the first level) with only his wits, a Data Pad that displays the layout of the area, and lots of sprinting. Empowered Badass Normal: He was already capable of completing "Monkey Business" (i.e.Dark and Troubled Past: Suffered enough trauma in his life to have 10 whole Nightmare levels to complete.Getting them back is required to truly escape the nightmare stage. Brought Down to Normal: After Malak delves into the darkest memories of his mind, he marks Doug's mind to get to Bierce in her pocket dimension, and later taken to be executed by Mama Bear and her Trigger Teddies but manages to escape thanks to an unknown spirit, Doug ended up losing all of the abilities he acquired up to that point.Badass Bookworm: He was a former high-profile criminal defense attorney, and shows to be very clever in slipping past the enemies in the nightmare stages.It's especially useful to distinguish the real Dread Duckies from the fake ones in "Stranger Sewers". Aura Vision: "Telepathy" allows him to see an enemy's fog-like aura through any obstructions and walls.He's so desperate to save his daughter that, rather than peacefully die in a hospital bed, he chose to project his soul into the Dark Dimension in the slim hope of using its powers to alter history. In his desperation to make up for his crimes, he painted a rune of Black Magic onto his pillow that's projecting his soul (which resembles a younger, healthier of his current self) into the Nightmare realm so he can search it for a solution. Astral Projection: He's dying in a hospital bed somewhere in the real world.Anti-Hero: By his admission, he deserves to be in Hell for what he did to his family and he admits that he won't rest until he finds a way to resurrect his family before going there.Amoral Attorney: He's a former criminal defense attorney of a high-profile, and revealed to be an abusive dad who felt trapped in family life with a bi-polar wife and autistic daughter.Elise fell asleep behind the wheel, drove off a bridge, and both she and Tammy drowned. However, she left to go pick up their daughter, Tammy, and the pills took effect while she was driving. According to the documents, Doug switched his wife's bipolar medication with sleeping pills in an attempt to frame her death as a suicide by overdosing on her pills. Accidental Murder: When the car accident that had his wife and daughter killed was brought up, Doug claims that Elise wasn't supposed to drive on that fateful day.Doug's wife also notes that Doug does not want to visit her again when the question is brought up.

dark deception chapter 4 gif

Some secret documents in Bearly Buried indicate that Doug's mother was also this to her son, who too saw Doug as nothing but a burden and reminder of her horrible husband. Abusive Parent: Doug wasn't a very loving father to his daughter Tammy, calling her "a defective child" for being autistic and inheriting her mother's bipolar disorder.

dark deception chapter 4 gif

A defense attorney who seeks redemption for a dark past.

Dark deception chapter 4 gif